10 - Versioning and Contribution Document


The Release will be listed on our The Release will be listed on our github Release Page The library follow [http://semver.org/](http://semver.org/). The version number consist of 3 section.


  • A represent major version if there is breaking changes
  • B represent minor version if there is new backward-compatible functionality
  • C represent patch version if there is bug fixes


Submitting Issues

If you found problem, you can report the issue in the the project [https://github.com/senseobservationsystems/sense-ios-library/issues](https://github.com/senseobservationsystems/sense-ios-library/issues).

Contributing Code

If you want to contribute code, you can do that by:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch based on develop branch in format ‘feature/feature-name’
  3. Commit and push to github
  4. Create a pull request on github.

Any contribution would be very greatly appreciated.